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Some Dutch Words

Here, we’ve attempted to demonstrate to you some of the commonalities between Dutch and English that would make learning Dutch much easier if only someone would take them into account when teaching Dutch. 

Remember the following key, loosely-described, pronunciation differences between Dutch and English:

“ei” is pronounced like a long i, as in Heidi.

“ie” is pronounced as a long e, as in bead.

“ij” is pronunced as a long i, as in ice

“ijk” at the end of a word is pronounced “ick”

“ee” is pronunced like a long a, as in may.

“ui” is pronounced as “ow” in English so “uit” is out.

“v” is pronounced close to “f.”

“w” is proncouned close to “v.”

Nearly Identical Verbs
accepteren to accept
adoreren to adore
adviseren to advise
amuseren to amuse
asocieren to associate
arrangeren to arrange
arriveren to arrive
beginnen to begin
bijten to bite
breken to break
complimenten  to compliment
dansen             to dance
doen                to do
drinken            to drink
functioneren    to function
glijden             to glide/slide
hangen             to hang
helpen              to help
installeren        to install
intervenieren to intervene
introduceren    to introduce (products, not people)
interesseren     to interest (reflexive)
kosten              to cost
openen             to open
produceren      to produce
realizeren zich to realize
rekenen            to reckon or count
repareren         to repair
reserveren        to reserve
schijnen           to shine, but also to seem or appear
sneeuwen        to snow
staan                to stand, but also to be in a place, standing up
staaren             to stare
stieren              to steer
studeren           to study
vallen               to fall
wassen (zich) to wash
wegen              to weigh, ponder, consider
werken            to work
winden            to wind, twist
winnen            to win
zetten               to set (down)
zien                  to see
zingen              to sing
zitten                to sit
zwemmen        to swim

Nearly Identical Prepositions
aan                   generally “on”
in                     in
uit                    out
over                 over
Nearly Identical Nouns
aspect              aspect
atleet athlete
beginner          beginner
beige                beige
boek                book
condom           condom
correct             correct
comfortabel     comfortable
contrast            contrast
context             context
cursus              course (cursusen is plural)
flexibel            flexible
grammatical     grammatical
groep               group
hier                  here
hierin               herein
ideaal               ideal
intelligent         intelligent
koffie               coffee
kop                  cup
kroon               crown
laastste             latest
laboratorium    laboratory
nieuw              new
nieuws             news
normaal           normal
nerveus            nervous
obstakel           obstacle
markt               market
paar                 pair
paragraaf         paragraph
park                 park
partner             partner
per                   per
person             person
privacy            privacy
proef                proof?
serie                 series
seriuse (?) serious
soort                sort
student             student
tekst                 text
telefoon           telephone
thema               theme
type                 type
titel                  title
training            training (technically, more like a practice when referring to sports)
vals                  false BUT ALSO vicious
volk                 folk, the people
vriend              friend
week                week
weekend          weekend
wereld             world
wijs                 wise
woord              word
zyde                 side
Similar, but pronounced differently
bakken             to bake
bieden              to bid
binden             to tie (think “bind”)
commentaar     to comment
denken             to think
geven               to give
groeten            to greet
klimmen          to climb
koken              to cook
komen             to come
maken              to make
leiden               to lead
leren                to learn (also to teach)
nterrumperen   to interrupt
irriteren            to irritate
parkeren          to park
passeren          to pass (?)
slapen              to sleep
springen          to spring, or jump (also to explode)
stelen               to steal
steken              to stick (prick, poke, sting)
rijden               to ride/drive
vergeten           to forget
vinden             to find
vullen              to fill
zeggen             to say
bezig                busy
achter               after
auteur              author
centrum           center of town
enthousiasme   enthusiasm
ijs                    ice
inteligenst        intelligent
interessant       interesting
grammatica      grammar
frivool             frivolous
kroon               crown
les                    lesson
maand month
mager              meager
mok                 mug
punt                 point, or period or dot
risico               risk
salaris (het) salary
serieus             serious
stadion             stadium
stat                   state
straat                street
thee                  tea
vriendschap     friendship
vrij                   free
vuil                  foul = dirty
wit                   white
zee                   sea
zoon                son
noord               north
zuid                 south
oost                 east
west                 west

The TIEF adjectives
If you think “ive” endings in English, the words have same meanings.  You can be understood by changing almost any English word ending in “ive” to “ief.”


The ISCH words (the end is pronounced like the end of the word “geese.”)

chaotisch         chaotic
fantastisch       fantastic
gigantisch        gigantic
systematisch    systematic
tropisch           tropical

The TEIT words
If you think “ty” endings in English, the words have the same meanings.  You can be understood by changing almost any English word ending in “ty” to “teit.”

electriciteit       electricity
faciliteit            facility
souvereiniteit   sovereignty

The SIE words
If you think “sion” endings in English, the words have the same meanings.  You can be understood by changing almost any English word ending in “sion” to “sie.”

commissie       commission
revisie              revision
versie               version

The TIE words (the end is pronounced like “tzee”)
If you think “tion” endings in English, the words have the same meanings.  You can be understood by changing almost any English word ending in “tion” to “tie.”

advertitie          advertisement
ambitie             ambition
attentie             attention
communicatie  communication
conventie         convention
educatie           education
emotie              emotion
expeditie          expedition
informatie        information
institutie           institution
instructie          instruction
intentie             intention
intonatie           intonation
optie                option
politie              police
reparatie           repair

Some of the “D” words in Dutch that begin with “th” in English

bad                  bath
dat                   that
danken             to thank
denken             to think
daar                 there
dan                  than
dus                  thus

The “oud” words in Dutch that would be spelled “old” in English

oud                  old
boud                bold
goud                gold
houden            to hold
koud                cold

Decoded Words
These words make sense when you can remember a similar word in English and give it a minor twist.

bellen, opbellen  to bell or “ring” => to call up (as by telephone)
branden           to brand => to burn
duren               to endure => to last
eten                  to ate => to eat
eerstehulp        first-help = emergency
fietsen              to feets => to bicycle
graven             to (dig) a grave => to dig
haasten            to make haste => to hurry
halen                to haul => to fetch, get or go for
klinken            to klink => to ring, sound or clink
lopen               to lope => to walk
praten              to prattle => to talk
ruiken              to reek => to smell (no negative connotation)
roelstoel           roll-stool = wheelchair
spreken            to speak
sterven             to starve => to die
wandelen         to wander => to walk or stroll
gordel              girdle => safety belt
inkvis              ink fish => octopus
knoop              knob ==> button or intersection point
land                 land => country
plan                 plan => a kind of map
plank               plank => shelf
woordboek      wordbook => dictionary
ziekenhuis       sicken-house = hospital
zoeken             to seek, look for

Joop Huysoon's False Friends
Dutch words that look and sound like a counterpart in English, but have different meanings.

actueel             today’s
hevig               strong, NOT heavy
bidden             to pray, NOT to bid
beloven            to promise, NOT to believe or belove
braaaf              sweet, well behaved NOT brief
brief                 a letter, NOT, but similar to a brief
duidelijk          clearly NOT doubtfully or undoubtedly
lijken               to be similar to, to be like NOT to like
oefening          practice, NOT opening
prijzen             to praise NOT prizes
proberen          to try NOT to probe
wachten           to wait NOT to watch
eventueel         possible or potential
horen               to hear NOT to whore
ramp                disaster
slijpen              to grind, cut or sharpen, NOT to slip
stellen to pose (as in a question), to suppose, to place NOT to steal
willen              to want NOT a future tense helper verb
ordinaire          vulgar, common NOT ordinary
raar                  strange, NOT rare
tijd                   time NOT tide
tuin                  garden, yard NOT town
zelfs                 even NOT selfs
predichten        to preach, NOT to predict
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